Sunday, August 19, 2012

Title: 8BIT METAL (VOL.1)
Size: 37mb
Description: Metal songs converted to 8bit

Download Link:

Being Retroactive
I decided I'd post this one tonight as well. I compiled this a long time ago, even used them in a game I made. Maybe I'll post it here someday as well. For now though, these are just fun little tunes that are good for a laugh.

Pretty much all melodeath stuff (which is my favorite metal genre). Everything from Soilwork to In Flames, to Bodom, to dark tranquility, to arsis, and then some. I haven't compiled one of these in quite some time, and I need to go back on my old comp to get the fourth one, but I seem to have the other 4 on here (as well as one that is incomplete thus far). Don't expect to be blown away by these, they're mostly just funny. For oldschool RPG boss fights, however, you can't do any better than these!

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